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Principles & Policies of ASL Benevento

Recent public health reform laws, together with the other reform laws of the P.A., have opened a new scenario with respect to the between citizens and entities providing services public. The citizen has become the protagonist the decision-making processes of the Company, as recipient of the entire activity of the Company itself. The centrality of the citizen presupposes that fundamental task of the Health Care Company to satisfy his demand for health, offering him highly qualified services. The same laws, moreover, have introduced new systems of funding and management criteria aimed at a balanced economic and accounting administration of Public Health Companies. These new tools and these new operating modes represent a clear value system and shared by all operators.


The provision of health services by A.S.L. BN 1 is based on the principle of equality between citizens and users. The Company excludes any discrimination related to race, social and economic status, gender, age, religion and political conviction. Equal treatment is guaranteed, on equal terms, regardless of the geographical area of residence and/or social category of the citizen.


Criteria for objectivity, fairness and impartiality are adopted with respect to users-citizens.


The delivery of health services is ongoing, consistent and uninterrupted. Appropriate measures shall be taken to minimize the duration of any interruption.


The participation of the citizen-user in the provision of the service is guaranteed, both to protect the right to the correct provision of the service, and to improve collaboration with users. You have the right to access your company's information, submit documents, offer suggestions and file complaints.

Efficiency and effectiveness

A.S.L. BN 1 pursues the objective of the progressive continuous improvement of the efficiency and the effectiveness of the service, adopting technological, organizational and procedural solutions more functional to the scope.

The right of choice

Citizen-users have the right to choose the health facility they deem most appropriate for their needs.

The Satisfaction of the Citizen-User

A.S.L. BN 1 pursues the objective of providing health services whose quality level is better or at least equal to those offered by other healthcare facilities, whether public or private-accredited. All business processes are therefore aimed at achieving these objectives, to which our suppliers also contribute. To achieve the highest level of satisfaction of the citizen-user, the Company: or identifies and periodically measures the expectations and desires of citizens; or organizes moments of contact and relationship with citizens; or derive from these contacts useful parameters for the development of services in line with the expectations of citizens; or periodically and systematically detects the degree of satisfaction obtained and its performance both in absolute terms and compared to other healthcare companies.

People's motivation

A.S.L. BN 1 has the duty to develop a personnel policy that puts operators in a position to express their intelligence and capabilities. Motivated people and high professionalism are a strategic factor of quality: the satisfaction of citizens-users depends on it. The involvement and participation of all operators in the business processes are the essential condition for activating their personal contribution of intelligence and proactivity.

Organisational model and decision making

The quality of the health services offered to citizens-users is achieved only through the active and proactive involvement and participation of all business operators. A.S.L. BN 1 adopts a style of management that promotes widespread responsibility, granting wide autonomy to operators in the exercise of the activities assigned to them. The control of the hierarchical superior is realized on the results and not already on the behavior.

The Communication

To increase the involvement and motivation of those who work in the Company, the correctness and transparency of behavior and continuous communication are fundamental. Internal communication: promotes the sharing of business objectives, the proposals of innovative solutions, the spread of a positive climate and favorable to the improvement of quality; helps to strengthen the sense of belonging to the Company and to raise personal and professional motivation; it is a valuable tool for listening and understanding the company reality, useful to identify the needs of staff and to collect suggestions for the evolution of roles and professionalism.

External communication

The Company attaches the utmost importance to information activities aimed at knowledge by citizens of their health facilities. Timeliness and transparency with respect to external stakeholders are precise rules that the Company has assumed and will assume for the future.

The Formation

Training is one of the essential tools for improving individual and collective skills. The Company has offered and will continue to pursue for its employees the most appropriate training opportunities related to their skills. The implementation of a company training system of an organic and continuous nature has become necessary to involve the company’s top management in a strong way, to analyze the professional needs of employees, to plan training activities more and more responsive to the organization of services, to better evaluate the results of the same.