Local Health Authority of Benevento
Who we are
Azienda Sanitaria Locale Benevento has its headquarters in Via Oderisio, n. 1 - 82100 Benevento (P.Iva and C.F. 01009680628) (Switchboard: 0824.308111); it is a Local Authority that provides Primary Health Care in the territory of Benevento and Province (78 Municipalities).
ASL BN1 is divided into the following territorial Macro-Articulations:
Other providers of health services - specialist, outpatient and hospital - functionally linked to the ASL BN, are: the Hospital "San Pio", the Hospital "Fatebenefratelli" and private facilities.
Territorial network
The catchment area of the Authority is represented by the resident population (288,560 inhabitants in addition to 5,650 foreign residents - distributed over an area of 2070.5 kmq - source: Istat 2012) and by industry (the other Local Authorities - the Municipalities, the Region, the Province, the State, the Third Sector, the Educational Institutes, the Voluntary Service, the Non-profit Organizations, the I.P.A.B.).
Corporate Organization Chart
Corporate organizational chart referred to in DCA No. 69 of 01.08.2018 - Corporate Act of the Local Health Authority of Benevento