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Local Health Authority of Benevento

Who we are

Azienda Sanitaria Locale Benevento has its headquarters in Via Oderisio, n. 1 - 82100 Benevento (P.Iva and C.F. 01009680628) (Switchboard: 0824.308111); it is a Local Authority that provides Primary Health Care in the territory of Benevento and Province (78 Municipalities).

ASL BN1 is divided into the following territorial Macro-Articulations:

Other providers of health services - specialist, outpatient and hospital - functionally linked to the ASL BN, are: the Hospital "San Pio", the Hospital "Fatebenefratelli" and private facilities.

Elenco strutture convenzionate & modalità di accesso

Territorial network

The catchment area of the Authority is represented by the resident population (288,560 inhabitants in addition to 5,650 foreign residents - distributed over an area of 2070.5 kmq - source: Istat 2012) and by industry (the other Local Authorities - the Municipalities, the Region, the Province, the State, the Third Sector, the Educational Institutes, the Voluntary Service, the Non-profit Organizations, the I.P.A.B.).


Corporate Organization Chart

Corporate organizational chart referred to in DCA No. 69 of 01.08.2018 - Corporate Act of the Local Health Authority of Benevento

Atto Aziendale